


Work Shop

Every artisan at GLASS TALKING is extremely passionate and persistent in exploring the craft of glass art making. Since craftsmanship is about constant improvement, our motto is to use the right materials, innovate our craft, pay attention to details, and create art works that dazzle.

Out work shop also offers customized courses and hands-on experience, so that professionals and hobbyists alike can get inspired here and enjoy the fun of making glass art.




Blowing is an ancient glass forming technique with thousands of years of history. As the glass is in a very hot and molten state throughout the process, blowing is also called hot glass shaping. Blowing starts with taking the scorching glass out from a 1150 °C furnace, blowing air into the molten glass, shaping it up and reheating the glass. This process is repeated several times before a semi-finished product is produced and annealed for 24 hours. Finally, after careful cutting and polishing, a masterfully crafted glassware is born.




Lampworking uses the extreme temperatures of flames from igniting liquid gas with oxygen to quickly heat glass into a molten state, and then shaping it. This technique got its name because it was once done with lamp fire. As this technique does not require sophisticate equipment, it is among the more accessible glass making methods for the average layperson. That being said, it is no easy task, since it requires consistent attention on how the flames and the glass interact, and can only be mastered with experience.




Casting essentially is a continuation of the ancient lost-wax casting technique that utilizes molten glass’s fluidness and a fire-proof mold’s resistance to high temperature to mold glass into desired shapes. Typically, we shape out the master mold first, then make a fire-resistance mold in its likeness. Next, we fill this mold with glass and place it in the kiln for heating. When the glass has completely melted to fit the mold, it is annealed and cooled into shape, and the mold can be removed. Finally, after a few dozen coldworking processes, the final product is polished and ready.



Cold Working

The beauty of glassware is a grinding story of fire and water. After a long annealing process, a glassware needs to be cut, smoothened, polished and so on, before its final texture is presented. One could also get expressive in the cold working process, and decorate the glass with steps like painting, engraving, sandblasting, etching, silk screening, plating, to name a few. The making of an intricate glassware really involves a great deal of different techniques and processes.