
「 玻心璃语 」以器物贯通精神,以心性呼唤自然,从生活美学出发,每一件产品都是实现自我与材料对话的艺术品。产品秉持现代、艺术、创新的设计精神,以优质的材料、精湛的工艺、精心的设计创造出更具当代东方特质的玻璃器物。


GLASS TALKING believes that its artworks should achieve three things: One, embody ideas, to be exact, contemporary, artistic and innovative designs. Two, connect the heart to nature. Each product of ours is a dialogue between the mind and the natural material from which it is made. Three, display the aesthetics of everyday life. Crafted from premium materials, by skillful hands and per elaborate designs, each of our glassware displays traits of modern eastern aesthetics.


「 玻心璃语 」自创立以来就立意求新,从理念到模式、从结构到材质、从工艺到细节,积极实践艺术创作的实验先锋精神。专业的团队不断专注于推进革新,以持续创新精神引领未来。 


GLASS TALKING has been about innovation since day one. We’ve always championed the spirit of experimentation in artistic creations, be it for our philosophy and work model, or our ideas for glassware structure, material, crafting and details. Our team of professionals will continue to push forth innovation, and create more glassware in this direction.



Eastern Aesthetics

One collects not just to decorate, but also to express their tastes and ideals. We realize an object’s role in this, which is why we offer more than just objects, but a way of life. By merging the originality and fine craftsmanship of traditional eastern art with contemporary aesthetics, we expand and reconstruct the relationship between artifact and humanity.




To constantly iterate and refine, always trying new materials and new processes, to seamlessly combine modern technology with traditional techniques, and ultimately breathe the life of new aesthetics to our glassware, such is the craftsmanship at GLASS TALKING.