灰色,是一种永远不能被定义的状态,彷徨于明暗交错,游移于黑白之间。因为不可定义,所以就有更多可能。玻心璃语 灰标 致力于突破原有界限,探索新的空间,以更加新奇独特的角度发现日常生活中被忽视的瞬间。欢迎来到尚未被发掘的“灰色地带”。

Grey is the state that can never be defined. It is the limbo between light and darkness, and the ambiguity between black and white. But surely something that cannot be defined, must also have more possibilities. GLASS TALKING’s Grey Label is all about breaking existing boundaries, exploring new grounds, and discovering the unnoticed moments in life from a more unorthodox angle. Welcome to the uncharted “land of the grey”.